Flying studio instructors are not licensed medical practitioners or physicians. We do not offer any medical diagnoses, treatments, suggestions, or counselling. Any provided information to members is solely for educational purposes; with no intention to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
If in doubt, or if you have any concerns about your own health; you are required to seek professional medical advice before implementing any diet, exercise, health, or lifestyle improvement program.
By signing up to participate in our classes, you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions set out below (Terms and Conditions). When notified for any changes in the terms and conditions, it is your (member) responsibility to be familiar and up to date with any changes provided by the Flying Studio. You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service via our website at any time.
When attending any of our classes, you (member) have acknowledged and accepted all our terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions).
We, (Flying Studio) reserve the right to change, update or reissue our Terms and Conditions at any time. As our courtesy to you (member), any changes (minor or major) will be posted on our website. It is your (member) responsibility to be familiar and be up to date with any changes. Unless providing a written complaint or concern addressed to the Flying Studio, both parties (member and Flying studio) will mutually accept any changes to the Terms and Condition.
These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you services; shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand.
1.Parties to Membership and definitions
1a. References to “we”, “us” and/or “our” in these Terms and conditions is a reference to Flying studio (Chloe’s Yoga Studio Ltd).
2a. Reference to “Member”, is appointed to the person who is signing this application form.
3a. “Membership Term” means the minimum term/period of membership; specified in the membership application form.
2.Privacy Policy
2a. Flying studio respects your personal information and right to privacy. Any personal details supplied to us; either online or in person, will only be stored and used by the Flying Studio only. We will not share any information. to any outside parties including contractors or businesses.
2b. Upon termination of your contract with us, all stored personal information will be discarded/terminated (in file or paper)
3.Prices and Booking
3a. To sign up to participate in our classes, you must create a personal account with us. Your personal account will be governed by these Terms and Conditions, our website Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy.
3b. Our current pricing and class timetables are displayed on our website. From time to time, our prices may change. However, any price changes will be notified to you prior to the change, via our website.
3c. There are a set number of hammocks provided for each class, and bookings are essential to reserve a space. Class bookings can be made online, via our website.
4. Cancellation Policy
4a. To cancel a class booking, you must notify us at least 6 hours prior to the commencement of the class. Automatic deduction (full cost of class) to your personal account will be made to any cancellations made with less than the 6-hour notice period.
4b. You can cancel your class booking online, by logging into your personal account. However, please be mindful about others who want to attend our classes; and ensure that you able to attend the class before you reserve a spot. Furthermore, if you know you are unable to attend the class with last minute changes; we encourage you to make a cancellation so another member can attend that class on your behalf.
4c. All class packs have different time frames/expiration dates to be used by. These classes are non-transferable and non-refundable. Upon request, putting an extension/ hold on a membership can be made for special circumstances or medical reasons (Extensions are up to 8weeks). No refunds, transfers, or exceptions; otherwise.
5. Class Waitlists
5a. If you are unable to book a hammock because the class is full, register yourself on the waitlist. When a hammock becomes available (from cancellations), you will be notified via email and automatically booked into the class. It is your responsibility to check your email for waitlist confirmations.
5b. As a courtesy to other members, please remove yourself from the waitlist if you are not able to attend the class. Once you have been confirmed to attend the class from the waitlist, our 6-hour notice period and cancellation policy applies.
6. Class Schedules
6a. The class schedule may be changed or canceled.
6b. If there are fewer than 3 bookings 1 hour prior to the class, the class will be canceled, and a notification will be sent via text.
6c. If the class schedule is changed or canceled, a notification email will be sent; and the credit will be automatically returned to your account.
6d. For unforeseen circumstances, we reserve our right to change our studio opening hours at any time; without notice to you. You will be notified for any permanent changes to our opening hours.
7. Health and Safety
7a. Prior to undertaking a new exercise, you should consult with your doctor/healthcare practitioner to be mindful of any current health conditions and/restrictions that apply to you.
7b. Anyone with known health/medical conditions including but not restricted to; pregnancy, high/low blood pressure, brain or health issues, past surgeries of any kind, joint or mobility issues; must consult a health professional as appropriate, prior to attending our class.
7c. When attending each class, go at your own pace. Do not overexert yourself, and stop immediately for any pain or discomfort. Immediate medical attention is required, if there are any changes, new pain/discomfort to you at any given time.
7d. It is your responsibility to notify your instructor if you have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions which may impact upon your ability to perform certain exercises during the class (prior to starting). Such include preexisting injuries, undertaking physiotherapy for a previous injury, pregnancy etc. Attending and participating in any form of exercise at our studio with a medical Condition is done entirely at your own risk.
7e. Flying studio will not be responsible for any injuries or medical conditions arising from personal health background/current issues.
7f. By attending our classes, you accept and acknowledge that you do so, at your own risk. Instructors will not be liable/responsible for any personal injuries, loss or liability of whatsoever nature; arising as a result of, or in connection with, you undertaking the class after following advice contained on our website/ verbally given by instructors.
8. Personal Safety and Acceptance of Risk
8a. By entering our studio and attending classes, you will be performing physical activity and exercise which has an inherent risk of injury. You acknowledge that participating in any form of exercise during the aerial yoga class is undertaken at your own risk.
8b. Flying studio instructors/staffs are not medically trained. They are therefore not qualified to assess whether a member is in good physical condition and/or that members can safely engage in the exercise without causing any harm to health, safety, comfort or a physical condition. Members are therefore advised to seek professional medical advice prior to attending the class (if in any doubt about their ability to engage in the class)
8c. You accept and acknowledge that our instructors can touch appropriately as needed/or make physical contact when correcting asanas during the class. This is to ensure correct posture and alignment with the hammock; so, you are safe during our classes. Our instructors will guide members so that any form of asana/ aerial yoga flow is undertaken in accordance with Flying Studio’s best practice.
9. Pregnancy
9a. During and throughout your pregnancy, please consult with a doctor and your instructor to determine if aerial yoga is safe for you. A medical professional must conduct a health examination to determine your physical condition prior to attending a class.
9b. Attending a class during pregnancy is at your own risk. Flying Studio does not take any responsibility for changes in health conditions during pregnancy.
10. Security
10a. Flying studio is not responsible in any way, for the safekeeping of your personal belongings that you bring into our studio.
10b. As such, we strongly recommend that you:
– Refrain from bringing any valuable personal belongings into our studio (mobile, jewellery, personal devices, wallets, bags etc.)
– Store any personal belongings in the studio storage facilities which will be provided to use for the duration of your visit.
11. Conditions of Entry
11a. Flying Studio reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove from any of our studio; members or others who are behaving in an anti-social, intoxicated, disorderly, aggressive, offensive, or dangerous manner which may threaten the safety of our members or people in the studio.
11b. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your scheduled class to minimise any disruptions to the class/studio. If you are arrive after the class has started, we reserve the right for your hammock to be given to someone on the waitlist
11c. Calling/ Leaving during the class is distracting and disruptive to others. Please be respectful to other members and do not leave before the scheduled class has ended. Please do not bring in your mobile during the class unless needed (eg. being on call as a healthcare professional). If you are on call or must leave the class earlier, please let your instructor know prior to starting the class, and choose a hammock located towards the exit.
11d. Smoking/vaping is strictly always prohibited inside and outside our studio.
11e. You are required to treat all staff members, class members and property at the studio with care and respect.
11f. All members are required to always wear appropriate attire for physical exercise while attending our class (please refer to attire guidelines for Flying Studio)